Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Hey Team!

GUESS WHAT?!?!?! We have broken $50,000.00 this year!!!!!! Last night another donation came in for $1,000.00 and that pushed us over the $50 K mark!!! Awesome job and way to go, SUPER!

Wanted to again remind you of the Bike Ride on the 24th of June. This is a Sunday, and you should have all the info you need about this. If you have any questions please contact me. We could always use volunteers to help with handing out water, registration, ACS give aways and Raffle items. If you have anything that you would like to donate as a raffle items, please let us know. Please remember that these folks are on motorcycles so no large items (no way to get them home)...gift certificates and small items are great. THANK YOU!!

Also a reminder of the scrap booking fundraiser, see the flier below.Enjoy your summer, and see you on the 24th!

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