Monday, November 12, 2007

A BIG Thank You

A BIG Thank You goes out to the following consultants for donating their time and commission to our fight against cancer. Please keep these consultants in mind when your are looking to purchase any of these products in the future or if you are interested in hosting a party at your home.

  • Patrice Binns - Usborne Books
  • Christie Blair - Pampered Chef and Mary Kay
  • Alison Nay - Taste of Home Entertaining
  • Diana Cooke - Creative Memories
  • Bekki Sulliven - Creative Memories
  • Kathleen Amsterdam - Tupperware
  • Kimberly Hunt - Partylite Candles
  • Marilyn Davis - Posh Designs by Marilyn
  • Shayna Peiken - Jilly Jewels

Friday, October 26, 2007

Home Show Open House Flyer

click on the flyer to view the details. print them out, pass them out...spread the word!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007

2007 Wrap-Up Meeting

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fall Garage Sale

trying to pass the time...and let out any frustrations!

the younger Friends pitch in

Friday, September 28, 2007

2007 Wrap-Up

Last night the ACS had the 2007 Relay Wrap-Up. Here are some of the stats:

  • Cobb County raised just over ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!
  • We are the 4th largest Relay in the nation - one of only 5 to raise a million!
  • Raised $177,616 online - 10th in the country!
  • One of only 42 counties in the US that raised one million dollars!
We also had a few individual awards handed out:
  • Individuals that raised the most online - 2nd place, raising $3,055 online, is Ty Harvey!
  • Overall individual fundraisers - in 3rd place, raising $5,176, is Jennie Harvey and in 1st place, raising $6,040, is Christie Blair!!
  • We also had MANY team member receive their grand club shirts for raising at least $1,000!

Now for the Friends for LIFE stats:

  • We received an All-Star Award at the Diamond Level (which means that we raised an average of $1,000-$1,999 per team member).
  • We also received our 1st place (Top Ten Team) Award and our name will be printed on the back of the 2008 T-shirts...AGAIN!!

Friends for LIFE amazing list of accomplishments for this year:

  • 5th highest fundraising team in the Metro Atlanta Region!
  • 13th highest fundraising team in the South Atlantic Division (Georgia to Delaware - 6 states and the District of Columbia)!!
  • 50th highest fundraising team in the ENTIRE United States!!!
  • #1 Cobb County Friends and Family team and #1 overall...raising $57,421!!!!!

Oh yeah, and my personal favorite....we were called "the machine that is Friends for LIFE" by the chairs of the event. I could get used to that :)

Wow!! What an amazing year! You should be so proud of yourself, of our team, and of the county! Let's make this year even more unbelievable!

** The garage sale pictures will be posted soon (I just got them last night). **

Saturday, September 22, 2007

garage sale recap

our fall garage sale was a great success with a grand total of $1,330!!! that is a great way to kick-off the year. the "younger Friends" set-up a stand and sold cookies and lemonade to contribute to our overall total. they raked in $25.50...great job guys!!! we had a great time this weekend and we are really looking forward to out next fundraiser :) a big thanks to everyone who donated and to everyone that came out to work!

check back for pictures from the weekend (which include your Friends and a fur coat, a sledge hammer, and some exercise equipment...yes, it was an interesting weekend)!

also, don't forget to RSVP by tuesday for the wrap-up on thursday...hope to see you there!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Fall Garage Sale - September 21-22

Our first fundraiser this Relay season will be our fall garage sale on Friday, September 21st and Saturday, September 22nd at Tracey's house. We will be around from 8 am until 3 pm.

Please price your items and get them to Tracey's no later than Wednesday the 19th!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

New Season Soon!

The new Relay season begins September 1st. Check back for more information about the Friends for LIFE kick-off party and details about the fall garage sale in September. Start setting aside your stuff to sell!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Directions to Bike Ride

Double Vision is on the corner of Hwy 120 (Dallas Hwy) and Atlanta Hwy. It is one light past Hardy Chevrolet on Hwy 120 if you are traveling West.

When you get to the intersection you will turn Right and Double Vision is immediately on your left. There is a strip center with a Napa in it and Double Vision sits next to the road in front of the strip center.

The address is 3716 Atlanta Hwy if people want to mapquest it from their location.

From Kennesaw I would take Kennesaw Due West to Mars Hill and turn left. Go to Hwy 120 and turn right. Take 120 to Atlanta Hwy and turn right

Monday, June 18, 2007

Friends Update

Hi Team,
Just a reminder that we have the bike ride THIS Sunday. If you have already responded that you can help, we will see you there. If you can bring a cooler, please bring it with ice inside. If you said you could bring a table, please pack that as well. You may want to throw a couple of those bag type chairs in your car to sit on, not sure what we will have available at the stops etc. Also, PLEASE wear your red team shirt so that we all match and folks know that we are the ones running the Ride. We are all meeting at Double Vision, and then people may go to the water stops from there. We need help setting up and we also need to make sure that we have all bases covered with helpers before we "dispatch".

12:00 arrive to set up
1:00 registration begins
2:00 ride begins
4:30+ riders arrive back at Double Vision
food will be served when we arrive back
raffle prizes will be awarded while people are eating...probably about a half hour to an hour...
People are welcome to stay as long as they want

I also wanted to take a second to thank you for being such a wonderful team. As many of you already know, Jennie and I are moving onto the Steering Committee to help the ACS run the actual Relay. I am actually going to be the co-chair of the event and Jen will be on one of the committees. Christie will stay on as a captain and Jennie's two sisters; Angie and Stephanie have graciously offered to step up to help Christie run the team. Jennie and I wanted to make sure you were all in "good" hands before we moved over, so we are confident that the team will be even better then ever. Meetings will still be at my house and so will the garage sales. You may still hear from me occasionally via email so watch out!

I am looking forward to this Ride for Relay, I am so thankful for all the hard work that has gone into this from Angie N., Angie C., Jennifer H., Stephanie M. and many others. You all have done a tremendous amount of work to get this ready and I really hope it does well!

See you Sunday!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Scrapbook Fundraiser

I just wanted to let you know that I am cancelling the scrapbook fundraiser scheduled for July 21st. I made this decision for a couple reasons. There has not been a good response, and I fell and injured my knee and don't feel like I can continue with it at this time. I would love to try it again some time in the future.
Thank you,
Stacey :o)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Hey Team!

GUESS WHAT?!?!?! We have broken $50,000.00 this year!!!!!! Last night another donation came in for $1,000.00 and that pushed us over the $50 K mark!!! Awesome job and way to go, SUPER!

Wanted to again remind you of the Bike Ride on the 24th of June. This is a Sunday, and you should have all the info you need about this. If you have any questions please contact me. We could always use volunteers to help with handing out water, registration, ACS give aways and Raffle items. If you have anything that you would like to donate as a raffle items, please let us know. Please remember that these folks are on motorcycles so no large items (no way to get them home) certificates and small items are great. THANK YOU!!

Also a reminder of the scrap booking fundraiser, see the flier below.Enjoy your summer, and see you on the 24th!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Relay for Life 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

2007 Pictures

Please send any 2007 Relay Pictures that you have to
Thanks :)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Ride For Relay Flyer

Sunday, April 29, 2007

New Pictures

There are new pictures up of Friends For LIFE and the past can really see how we have grown!!! Scroll down to the bottom and check them out!
If you have any pictures you want to share with us, please send them to

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Saturday Relay Update

Hello Team!

Two weeks from now we will be so tired! Hard to believe that in just a few days we will have had our 2007 Relay. I wanted to give you an update from last nights meeting. I would like to thank the 22 people that came over to decorate luminary's and to turn in money. We made over 115 Luminary's so our camp will have lots of candle light. This also means that we will need plenty of people on the luminary committee (these folks fill the luminary's with sand and a candle on site and help arrange them in front of our campsite).

We have awesome news about the breakfast...Diane Grimsley was able to get 6 cases of breakfast sandwiches to sell in the wee hours. This is excellent news since John's and Jack's will not be there. Thank you Diane!!! We will start selling Pizza around 5 pm, hot drinks around midnight and breakfast/juice around 4 am. We are working with Publix to try and get some drinks for free. I will keep you posted.

I have even more good news. The Motorcycle Ride committee has been working really hard to get sponsors, water stops scheduled and routes planned. They have been working really hard behind the scenes and is slowly seems to be pulling together. I got this from Jen Hewett last night:
I got word today from the electric co-op (GreyStonePower) that they will allow their Paulding office tobe the water/restroom stop on our Relay Ride. They don't normally do things like this, but because they had such a super relationship with Ty Harvey (and as they said, because he was who he was!), they agreed it would be a good fit. Guys, I will try and get us some extra press in the magazine as well for the Ride. (Especially now that there is an EMC connection to sweeten the deal!)

This is fantastic news, plus a little publicity...great work bike crew! I know that they would love for me to ask you to consider helping with little details for the bike ride. We will need things like giveaways, more sponsors, advertising etc. The ride will be on June 24th, it's a Sunday. You don't need to be there to help out. Most of the help they need is in the next couple ofweeks getting things nailed down. If you would be willing to help, please send me an

We will be getting the relay shirts and the red team shirts before Relay but we will hand all of them out on the night of relay. This will be much easier to control to make sure everyone gets their shirts and also decreases the chance of it being left at home by mistake.

I have Pampered Chef stuff for Jen Hewett, Angie Nails, Helen DuVall, and Karen Davis. I also have an order for a Kimberly Aquino...I do not know this person, so if you do, please let me know. I will try to get with you to schedule a pick up or else I will bring it to Relay.

Last night we also had the sign ups for the on site committees and for the list of items to bring the night of. Alright, are you ready for the EXCELLENT news? We collected $2,860.02 last night, plus the $725 from people who couldn't make it...added to our on line totals, we are at $16,277.47!!! First place is at $16,095.00 as of this morning. So technically we are in first going into bank night. A matching check of $17,000 has already been sent in the hopes of it being deposited before Relay night. Our total is now at $33,277.47!!! We need to raise $1,000.00 more dollars to be over $100,000.00 in four years.

Thank you all, this wouldn't be possible with out you!!! We still have on site fundraising and the Ride for Relay in June, so I am certain that we will reach our goal.

Thanks for all you are doing! We will let you know what campsite we have chosen when we go for bank night on Thursday.

Friday, April 27, 2007

The Younger FRIENDS!

Our Luminary Decorating Entertainment...