Registration Reminder!
This Friday (October 31st) is the last day of early bird registration. If you would like to register for only $5 then you need to do so by Friday. After this week the fee goes up to the normal $10 per person. We already have a great start on our team but if you know someone who would love to be involved with the American Cancer Society, please invite them to join Friends for LIFE. If they cannot commit at this time but would like to stay updated with what we do as a team, just email their information to me and I will keep them in the loop.

1 campsite, 10 members, $2,000 raised

6 campsites, 53 members, Over $182,000.00 raised-
number 1 team in the 4th largest Relay--in the WORLD--for the last 2 years...
What can we do with the 2009 Relay???
Go to to register