Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thank you 2008 Captains!
Friends For LIFE
would like to thank our 2008 captains
Christie Blair
Angela Carley
Stephanie Moore
Posted by Tracey at 3:34 PM 1 comments
2008-2009 Transition
Hi team, it's your captain Tracey. Yes, I took over the team again, and yes I am still the chair of Cobb County. Christie Blair will still be my co-captain, but she has three young ones involved with sports and school--and is also on steering committee with me--so her involvement is as crazy as mine. If you would like to help us as a co-captain, please let me know.
I have quite a bit to discuss with you so listen carefully. :)
1) I will be using the official ACS website to send a majority of the emails (like I am doing today), NOT the Yahoo! account that I have used in the past. This format is MUCH easier for me to use and this year I need all the help I can get. Please visit the FFL blog at I will post items here after I have sent emails.
2) There will be no October garage sale. I have very few items in my garage and there is a wedding in October that requires some attention. For those of you that do not know Jennie, my co-captain in past years, is getting married on 10-11-08. Therefore, I don't think that I will be able to pull it all together. If this is a BIG problem let me know and maybe we can work something out for a November garage sale. Usually it's warm enough so that shouldn't be a problem. Time and need of things to sell is the problem.
3)PLEASE take note that this site (the Cobb Relay 2008 site) will be shutting down and we will have to re-register for the 2009 year. Registration is set to launch the beginning of September so check back in a couple weeks. There will be an early bird registration discount of $5 before kick off in January. Go ahead and sign up ASAP and you can utilize the end of year donations that folks may need for taxes. We also have a continuous giving tool on the website that allows people to donate on a monthly basis with an auto withdraw system. Instead of a one-time $50 gift you may get 12 months at $10...just a thought.
4) If everyone would PLEASE :) send me an email, and let me know if you are planning on returning to FFL, that would be greatly appreciated. We have dates to set for our meetings but I will email you about that at a later date. The meetings will still be here, at my house, so stay tuned. My email address is the same as always,
5) On Thursday night, September 4th, Cobb Relay is having a Wrap up-Charge Up celebration to honor top participants/teams from last year and get us geared up for this coming year. All team members are invited to attend. Please let me know if you can make it when you RSVP to me about your plans to join/not re-join FFL.
As a team we were shy of $60,000 by a couple hundred bucks...close enough in my opinion! Great work team!!! Cobb County stands at $990,000.00 as of this morning. I would think we are going to still be considered a million dollar Relay-and you ALL played a very important role in achieving that goal. Thank you so much for your past and, HOPEFULLY, future involvement in FFL.
Thank you so much!
Tracey Homer770-924-1971
Posted by Tracey at 3:25 PM 0 comments