Team Update for 2010 Relay
Hi Everyone!
It's that time again, RELAY SEASON!! :) You are getting this email because you have been a team member or supporter in the past. If you have already joined the team for 2010, WELCOME BACK and THANK YOU!! If you would like to join, there is still plenty of time. I have a few notes that I wanted to pass along to Friends for LIFE 2010:
I would like to welcome Jennifer Hewett as our co-captain of FFL this year. Jen has been on the team for many years and has graciously agreed to help me run the team. Life has been getting in the way of living recently and I can't thank her enough for volunteering to help me.
This Saturday (February 13th) is a team fundraiser sponsored by our RFL partners,
This year Cobb Relay will be having a LIVE auction instead of a silent auction. It will be on March 25th at 6pm at the Gone With the Wind museum on the
We WILL be having a Spring Garage Sale so spread the word. April 16th and 17th from 8am-3pm at Day Lily way (the Homer House). Please save your items and ask anyone you know for items as well. We did not have a sale in the Fall due to lack of items so hopefully by now we have plenty to put in the sale.
We are looking to have a team meeting in March and another one in April. Please respond to with what day is best for you. I know many of us have commitments and I would like to catch as many people as possible. Feel free to call me as well if that's easier 770-924-1971. I will post all updates to the blog as well as email so if you need to locate information quickly please visit for more information.
The theme this year for Relay is Carnival of HOPE. FFL's theme for the night of is cANSWER KREWE ( a mardi gras theme). Please keep an eye out for any items in purple/green/gold that we can use to decorate our campsite. It's a fun, festive theme and I hope to get team shirts made to match.