Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cindy and Jennifer

I wanted to post this picture, I LOVE it!
This is what Relay is all about, bringing people together, CELEBRATING and FIGHTING BACK together...awesome! I waited to post cause I wanted Jen to see it in person first and to thank her for being such a fantastic co-captain this year!!!

Remember that we are still bringing in money until August 1st! Just $1500 or so shy of 1st place overall!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Relay 2010 SUCCESS


team picture

Rob and Trace

Rachel and Kayla

Lars and Tracey

Future team captain ;)

Lois fighting the wind

Lars in the pizza truck :)

What an AWESOME Relay! We had such a great time getting the camp set up, running the pizza truck and staying all night long. We had new team members that came out to their first Relay and I hope they will come back next year. We had people drive in from all over, including my brother Rick from Michigan! We gave out PURPLE Survivor shirts since the ACS gave out white ones (THANK YOU HEATHER!!) which was a blessing. I loved hearing the Survivor's stories and seeing their faces at our campsite. I felt honored to have them stop at FFL.

So far we are 3rd at $17,600....we still have plenty of time. We have the Strand Concert and Silent Auction on May 23rd so tell your friends!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Garage Sale Results

WAHOO!! We brought in over $2300 for the garage sale this weekend--We R.O.C.K :) We had a ton of little items so it was a dollar here and a dollar there, but we did it. Great job, and a HUGE thank you to everyone that donated, worked and shopped the sale. I know I found a lot of nice stuff, come see my new recliner some time and stay for a frozen margarita. :)

Luminary party is on Friday (yes, this Friday the 23rd) at the HomerHouse. Call or email for more information. 770-924-1971 We will start around 6 pm. I need to know if you plan on coming so please RSVP.

We would like to welcome Cindy, Steve and Danielle Grimsley to the team. This isn't the first time we've had Grimsley's on Friends for LIFE, and I'll have to investigate to see if there is a relation there. :) Welcome to all of you! :) Please let me, or Jen, know if you have any questions.

Also, Jen has been working hard at getting the Strand fundraiser off the ground. I emailed information but we have fliers now and could use some help getting the word out about the concert. Contact me or Jen for details. 678-230-6534 or

That's all for now, I'm going to chill for a bit. See you on Friday night :)


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 18th Meeting recap


A huge thank you to all the FFL members that came out to the meeting last Thursday at the HomerHouse. Sorry it has taken me so long to get the minutes to you. Life gets in the way of living sometimes!

I would like to welcome two new team members that joined today, Sarah and Robin-thank you for signing up to be a part of this FIGHT. Welcome back to Karen as well, she took advantage of the free registration that is going on until Friday. Just an FYI I have submitted team tee shirt sizes for everyone registered as of today. Anyone that joins after today will have to either 1) not have a team shirt or 2) get whatever size I have extra of. Our team theme is cANSWER Krewe and that will be on the shirt in some form, haven't finalized the design yet. :)

Tomorrow (Thursday the 25th) will be a LIVE auction to benefit Relay hosted by the Marietta Jaycees. It is $25 to enter, includes dinner and two drinks. There is an open bar. Doors open at 6 pm. The auction will be held at the Gone With the Wind Museum on the Marietta Square. Contact me for more information. I will be going so maybe I will see you there.

I only have 3 coupon books left for $20 each. They are full of area coupons and discounts. Just the Jiffy Lube coupon pays for the book. Let me know if you want one.

We have scratch off tickets this year. Behind each bubble is a value ($1, $5, $10, $20, $25). What you scratch off, you donate. If you scratch the entire card you "pay" $250. Great ice breaker for the office or other places where you may have people willing to donate but you're not sure how to ask.

As always we have the coin cans and sunshines. I have a friend in Florida selling feet and sunshines for us in all of her stores. YAY! Another easy way to bring in some money for your totals.

Garage Sale: April 16th and 17th at the HomerHouse as usual. I am already taking donations, so please contact me if you have items. Remember that you get credit towards your fund raising for donating and for helping run the sale.

On Site: We will be selling Papa Johns again this year. I talked to my pizza guy and he may even join the team. He is planning on working the pizza truck so that gives us a bit of a breather (yay!) We may do the crowns again this year, they sold VERY well. We will be doing the Keeping Track beads. I ordered the necklaces last week. We will not be doing face painting but we will have the tattoos on site.

May 23 Strand Fundraiser: Jen H (our co-captain) has organized a HUGE fundraiser at the Stand on the Marietta Square. We will be hosting an Organ concert on May 23rd at 3 pm. We will also have a silent auction on site. Tickets will be $10, maybe $5 for survivors...still working on details. If you have any items for the auction, please let us know.

Ok, that covers fund raising. The next team meeting will be April 23rd, 6pm, at the HomerHouse to decorate Luminary bags. We are still doing the 10$ white bags and 25$ gold butterfly bags. Make sure you bring your list of names to the meeting or take a few bags home to decorate. We will also sign up for night of jobs at that time.

Relay Night: May 7th and 8th at Jim Miller. I will be at the site around 8am on Friday to start setting up. More information on the night of later.

THANK YOU so much for being a part of this little team that could. If we can manage to bring in $40,000 we will have raised $250,000 in 7 years. I found old emails that had our goal at 5 years to break $100,000-wow did we beat that goal or what??? That is absolutely amazing and I have each and every one of you to thank. I am honored to be working with you again this year---lets get ready to FIGHT BACK!!!

Please call if you have an questions, FB or email me.


"We are Friends with HOPE, We are Friends making a difference, we are Friends for LIFE"

Friday, March 5, 2010

Calling all Friends for a Team Meeting!!

Hi Friends for LIFE,
Just wanted to touch base with everyone and let you know we will be having a meeting in March. The date is set for Thursday, March 18th at the HomerHouse. I would like to start 6:00-6:30 but feel free to come from work and hang out until the majority arrives. We will have appetizers as usual. Email me if you need directions.
I will have incentives from last year to hand out including grand club shirts if you did not pick yours up. We will be discussing 2010 FFL team shirts (do we want them?), team fundraisers and activities the night of relay. Jen H has been working on a great project and I can't wait to have her share what she's been up to. Brandon Richard also has been working hard on a fundraiser and we'll talk about that as well. I bought the campsite decorations on sale after Mardi Gras so that is all set. I think camp will be smaller this year but that's ok with me. We will also be having the garage sale April 16th and 17th so bring any items you may have collected when you come to the meeting on the 18th. We only need to raise $40,000 to break a quarter of a million dollars, that's not too hard-right?? :)
We also have to come up with a give away for Survivors this year, I will explain more in detail but I can't wait to share that with you all as well. If you know of a survivor that has not been to relay, please invite them to come. They are what Relay is all about and we would love to help them Celebrate! They are still taking nominations for Torch Bearers so go to the website if you know of someone that you would like to walk in the torch ceremony.
PLEASE register if you have not already done so. The deadline for tee shirt sizes from the ACS is March 15th. Also, if you know of a sponsor that may want to be involved in Relay please let me know. We have a great sponsorship package for businesses this year.
There will be a silent auction this year, on Thursday March 25th from 6-9 pm at the Marietta Gone with the Wind Museum. Only 100 tickets will be sold. Dinner and two drink tickets are included. This is a LIVE auction with some silent auction items. The items are bigger ticket items so come prepared. :) If you would like tickets, let me know or email Kellie Jett is committee and would be glad to answer any questions you might have.
If you know ahead of time any supplies you might need (forms, stickers, cups, pens, etc) please let me know so I can have them at the meeting.
Thank you so much for being a part of our team. Whether you have donated to our team in the past, you have been or are currently a team member or you just provide us with emotional support, THANK YOU for your involvement. Our Hope is to one day find a cure. My HOPE is that my grand kids will ask, "What WAS Cancer?"

"We are friends with HOPE, We are Friends making a difference, We are Friends for LIFE!"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Team Update for 2010 Relay

Hi Everyone!

It's that time again, RELAY SEASON!! :) You are getting this email because you have been a team member or supporter in the past. If you have already joined the team for 2010, WELCOME BACK and THANK YOU!! If you would like to join, there is still plenty of time. I have a few notes that I wanted to pass along to Friends for LIFE 2010:

I would like to welcome Jennifer Hewett as our co-captain of FFL this year. Jen has been on the team for many years and has graciously agreed to help me run the team. Life has been getting in the way of living recently and I can't thank her enough for volunteering to help me.

This Saturday (February 13th) is a team fundraiser sponsored by our RFL partners, Dixie. Please come out to Brunswick Zone (6345 Spalding Drive, Norcross 30092) for an evening of no-tap bowling (9 pins counts as a strike). Entry is $20 per person for adults and $15 for those under 18. ALL proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. All skill levels welcome and encouraged to participate! I will be there with the kids and I hope to see you there.

This year Cobb Relay will be having a LIVE auction instead of a silent auction. It will be on March 25th at 6pm at the Gone With the Wind museum on the Marietta Square. Tickets are $25 and include all the food you can eat and two drink tickets. Please let me know if you have any items over a $250 value that you would care to donate. Our team receives credit for any items donated to the auction.

We WILL be having a Spring Garage Sale so spread the word. April 16th and 17th from 8am-3pm at Day Lily way (the Homer House). Please save your items and ask anyone you know for items as well. We did not have a sale in the Fall due to lack of items so hopefully by now we have plenty to put in the sale.

We are looking to have a team meeting in March and another one in April. Please respond to with what day is best for you. I know many of us have commitments and I would like to catch as many people as possible. Feel free to call me as well if that's easier 770-924-1971. I will post all updates to the blog as well as email so if you need to locate information quickly please visit for more information.

The theme this year for Relay is Carnival of HOPE. FFL's theme for the night of is cANSWER KREWE ( a mardi gras theme). Please keep an eye out for any items in purple/green/gold that we can use to decorate our campsite. It's a fun, festive theme and I hope to get team shirts made to match.

Thank you again for your help in helping me FIGHT BACK!