Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Garage Sale is ON!

We WILL be having a Garage Sale in the Fall. The date of the sale will be
October 3 & 4
at Tracey's house, as usual.
There was way too much interest to not hold the sale, so please clean out your closets and send stuff my way. As always, I will be available to come get items, just give me a call or send an email to the gmail address on the top right of the blog page.

If you have not registered at please do so asap. You do not need to pay the money now and it only takes a few minutes of your time. If you are uncomfortable paying with a credit card online, or just want to wait to pay, you may give me the $5 when you see me. Remember, if you register by October 31st you are in the drawing from the ACS for two round trip tickets on Airtran.

Also, if you register by December 15th, you will guarantee your shirt size for the Friends for LIFE annual tee shirt. We are working on the design now and want to have them ordered by the first of the year. Ordering the shirts, as well extra shirts for those who have not registered yet for the team, comes out of the Team Captain's pockets so please be aware of this. Ordering early will enable us to wear them at the FFL team fundraisers in the Spring as well as to the night of Relay.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


It's time for us to once again register for Friends For LIFE. If you are new to the team WELCOME!! If you have been involved in the past THANK YOU for returning!!
Your team captains (Tracey Homer, Christie Blair and Stephanie Moore) are getting together this week to determine the meeting dates schedule as well as potential fundraisers. We will post all information to this site as well as sending out emails.
Please go to to register,
there is a $5 registration fee that includes your Relay for Life tee shirt. After October 31st the registration goes up to $10. Anyone who registers during the early bird is put into a drawing for two round trip airline tickets, anywhere that Airtran goes.

The theme this year is
The color of HOPE
Our team theme is
Wings of HOPE
We will be using butterflies to help decorate the campsite with many different cancer colors.
If you have any ideas for fundraisers please contact us, you can click on the gmail link on the upper right hand corner.
Here's to a great 2009